Christopher M. Pennuto, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor Science And Math Complex 166AOffice: (716) 878-5203
Email: pennutcm@buffalostate.edu
Research Interests
Freshwater macroinvertebrate ecology, stream ecology, invasive species in the Great Lakes, behavioral ecology
Current Research Projects
- Impact of non-native fish on lake and stream ecosystem processes.
- Kairomones and anti-predator behavior.
- Understanding fish migratory behavior.
- WNY PRISM: partnership for regional invasive species management
Courses Taught
BIO 213 - Introduction to ecology, evolution, and behavior
BIO 389 – Behavioral ecology
BIO 430 - Stream Ecology
BIO 431 – Aquatic entomology
BIO 600 – Fundamentals of graduate study in Biology
Recent Publications
Bruestle EL, C Karboski, A Hussey, AT Fisk, K Mehler, C Pennuto, D Gorsky. 2019. Novel trophic interaction between lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) and invasive species in an altered food web. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:6-14
Cava Z, A McMillan, C Pennuto, R Warren. 2018. Hellbender prey preference is superseded by native and non-native prey behavior. Journal of Herpetology 52:162-170.
Pennuto CM, KA Cudney, CE Janik. 2018. Fish invasion alters ecosystem function in a small heterotrophic stream. Biological Invasions 20:1033-1047.
Pennuto CM, SM Rupprecht. 2016. Upstream range expansion by invasive round gobies: is functional morphology important? Aquatic Ecology 50:45-57.
Pennuto CM, M Smith. 2015. From midges to spiders: mercury biotransport in riparian zones near the Buffalo River Area of Concern (AOC), USA. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 95:701-706.
Pennuto CM, L Dayton, DD Kane, TB Bridgeman. 2014. Lake Erie nutrients: from watersheds to open water. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40:469-472
Karatayev, AY, LE Burlakova, CM Pennuto, J Ciborowski, VA Karatayev, P Juette, M Clapsadl. 2014. Twenty-five years of changes in Dreissena spp. populations in Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40:550-559.
Burlakova LE, AY Karatayev, CM Pennuto, C Mayer. 2014. Changes in Lake Erie benthos over the last 50 years: historical perspectives, current status, and main drivers. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40:560-573.
Pennuto CM, LE Burlakova, AY Karatayev, J Kramer, A Fischer, C Mayer. 2014. Spatiotemporal characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the benthos of nearshore Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40:541-549.