The Biology Honors Program is a unique research opportunity for undergraduates. This program enables undergraduate students with outstanding academic potential and an interest in a career in science to participate in biological research.
Successful participants will receive the designation "Graduated with Departmental Honors" on their transcript upon graduation.
A two-semester commitment is required for participation in this program. One credit is awarded for formulation of a research proposal and three credits are awarded for completing research and a thesis.
Declared biology majors with an overall grade point average of 3.00 (at Buffalo State) and a GPA of 3.4 in all biology courses (including transfer courses) may apply for admission to the Biology Honors Program. In some cases, qualified students are invited to apply to the program.
To Participate
- Each semester, invitations will be sent out to qualifying students. Please respond to invitations in the Biology Department Office Science Building C314. Interested students who do not receive a formal invitation may also visit the Biology Office and request an application form.
- With the help of the Honors Committee, participants select a faculty member as a sponsor for his/her Honors Research sequence. This research sequence consists of two semesters and should be started during the second half of the junior year or not later than the first term of the senior year. During the first semester, one credit is awarded for formulation of a research proposal. During the second semester, three credits are awarded for completing research and a thesis.
- Participants enrolled in BIO 498 must spend at least 135 hours per semester (or an average of 9 hours per week) in research work and conferences with the faculty adviser. A student should plan ahead so that registration for BIO 498 can be part of a reasonable course load. BIO 498 may be used as a biology elective.
- During the first semester of BIO 498 students, in consultation with their mentors, select a research topic and prepare a research proposal. The first semester of BIO 498 must be completed before a student can enroll for the thesis work.
- During the second semester of BIO 498, the participant will conduct the research proposed, and prepare a written thesis describing the results. A letter grade will be assigned for the second term of BIO 498. The thesis work should also be presented orally in poster or seminar format.
- The participant will receive the designation "Graduated With Departmental Honors" on their transcript upon graduation as long as a final overall GPA of 3.0 and a GPA of 3.4 in biology is attained at the time of graduation. Please note that once the honors work has been received and graded, credit will be received for BIO498, Honors Research in Biology regardless of the student's GPA at the time of graduation.